Talk Like Ted RR #3

When presenting I believe that the delivery of the information is one of the most crucial parts of gaining and maintaining the audience’s attention. Gallo gives some very useful tips about this subject matter that I will definitely recall when preparing my launch day presentation: “The four elements of verbal delivery are: rate, volume, pitch, and pauses. Rate: the speed at which you speak. Volume: loudness or softness. Pitch: high or low inflections. Pauses: short pauses to punch key words,” (Gallo 81). I appreciate how straight-forward Gallo is when explaining how to give a successful presentation. Remembering to perfect each of these four areas of speaking is crucial to delivering a great presentation. This chapter grabbed my attention with the table that shows Colin Powell’s words with corresponding gestures. I would never think that someone would have such variety with their movement while presenting. It makes me think about how little I move when presenting. I think this is a fantastic way for Gallo to show the reader how significant and useful movement can be when used correctly with purpose. Additionally, I loved how Gallo explained the most common mistakes he notices and gave specific ways to correct those issues. This is yet another example of how this book is so useful because of its clarity and practicality.

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